BigchainDB 2.0.0 Beta 6 Released

Troy McConaghy
The BigchainDB Blog
2 min readSep 18, 2018


It has been almost 1.5 months since the last release of BigchainDB Server, so the new version has many new things.

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

Maybe the biggest new thing is the ability to add a validator, remove a validator, or change the voting power of a validator at run time. The basic process is that one of the existing validators proposes the change to the rest of the network by creating a new “upsert-validator election.” The other validators then vote yes or no, and once more than two thirds of the validators vote yes, the change goes into effect. The election and the votes are all recorded on the blockchain. The details of how to do that are documented in the BigchainDB docs.

Photo by Arnaud Jaegers on Unsplash

Some other highlights include:

More details are all listed in the v2.0.0b6 release notes on GitHub. And of course BigchainDB is open source, so you can dig as deep as you want into every change that has ever been made.

When is 2.0.0 (not Beta) Coming?

We’re currently finalizing the process to migrate an existing, running BigchainDB network to run newer version of Tendermint (i.e. implementing one of the strategies in BEP-42). Most of that is already done. Once it is done, we’ll release 2.0.0 Beta 7.

Soon after, we should be able to release 2.0.0 Release Candidate 1. After that, we don’t expect any new features to be added before the release of 2.0.0. The main blocker will be the “launch” of Tendermint: Tendermint will be making some breaking changes between now and then, and the BigchainDB release candidate series will mostly update BigchainDB to work with the newest version of Tendermint.

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